Create Your Own Seasonal Wardrobe
We all have a season when our clothes just feel right. Mine is fall. I love scarves and layers and boots. My least favourite season is summer because there are no scarves or layers or boots. Nevertheless, when summer comes I still want to like my wardrobe. So, I create a plan. I am big on plans for wardrobes. My plans always start with deep questions. Here are a few for you to think about when you are planning your seasonal wardrobe.
1) What is it about your favourite season’s clothes that you like?
2) What is it about your least favourite season’s clothes that you don’t like?
3) What is your favourite outfit for each season?
Once you've answered these questions, use Pinterest to help you create a wardrobe that works for each season.
Use your favourite outfits as inspiration. For example if your favourite summer outfit is a maxi dress, search “maxi dress” on Pinterest and Pin the one you like the best to your board. Then, look below that picture for the related pictures and see if there are any other ones you like. Continue this for the following picture as well. If you like to wear blazers and scarves in the fall, search “blazer and scarf outfit” in Pinterest and Pin your favourite version. Check out the related photos below and only Pin your absolute favourites.
Next, compare your Pinterest with your current closet and see how many pieces you already own. An easy way to do this is to do a quick audit of your closet and write down or snap pictures of each piece. Then write down the pieces the you have pinned and compare the list. Too many pieces in your closet to count? Maybe you need to pare down.
You know when you grocery shop and you can’t remember if you have black beans, so you buy another can and go home to find four cans in the back of your cupboard? Having a complete list of your clothing will prevent you from buying another black t-shirt when you already own four.
Stick to your list when you shop. You can even save time by pre-shopping each store’s online shop before you head out!
Your Style Queen,S.C.