It’s not you, it’s your clothes
Don’t worry, we can help.
As featured in…
Virtual & In Person Services
Whether you are looking to just gain confidence in your style, have someone manage your wardrobe or just shop more efficiently, Your Shop Girl has a package that can solve all of your style concerns
Shopping Guides & Downloadable Capsules
Check out our Canadian Boutiques and Brands Style Guides for local stores that match your personal style
Workshops & Talks
Looking for a fun talk for your sales team or conference? Your Shop Girl offers interactive and approachable presentations that will have your audience seeing their style in a totally different light.
About Your Shop Girl
Before I tell you who I am, let me start by telling you who I am not. I am not the person who is going to put you in clothes that like you, but you don't like back. I will not force you to buy clothes that are out of your budget (in fact I LOVE a good deal). I will not criticize your past clothing choices or put you in styles without telling you why they work.
I will however, help you find your ideal style and show you exactly which shapes and cuts to try and which to avoid. I will also help you shop for a closet of clothes that will multitask flawlessly so you never have to worry about what to wear (or how to wear it). I will show you that it isn’t your body’s fault if an outfit doesn’t work, it’s your clothes.
“I really detest shopping and always have felt like a “deer in the headlights” in stores or worse, malls. Suzanne’s systematic approach has been therapy for me. She helped me determine a colour palette, a style guide and then combined the two to develop an approach for tackling a store on my own. I still love going shopping with her.